Friday, September 28, 2012

Red Hood and the Outlaws

 Scott Lobdell, Kenneth Rocafort
After all the hype, I was really looking forward to finally reading this.  The characters are definitely interesting, but once again, the good stuff was over-shadowed by over-the-top sexuality.  Besides that, there wasn't much plot going on, because it's kind of a set-up issue.  The highlights: the first seven pages (an amazing prison battle) and Essence.  Essence is a new character as far as I know, and she seems like a really interesting person, so I hope we get to see more of her.  I also hope this series gets a little more kid-friendly, because all the components are there for a great story.  Plus, the art is beautiful!
Bottom line: 2.5/5

Birds of Prey

Duane Swierczynski, Jesus Saiz
This one was interesting, and yet slightly disappointing.  I'm unfamiliar with Starling, I don't like Black Canary's new costume, and I found the whole issue just a little boring, I guess.  I hope the series gets better,, and more exciting, which I think it probably will.  Also, some additions to the team would help, and more members are definitely on the way.  This is sort of a wait-and-see thing.
Bottom line: 2.5/5

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Team 7 #0


I was looking forward to this issue for two reasons.  First, I love top-secret, undercover teams.  Second, I also love Amanda Waller.  (I've been a fan of hers ever since I watched those old JLU cartoons.  I was a little surprised and disappointed when I first saw her in the New 52, because she looked so different, but she's still very cool.)

I really liked this issue, but I had a hard time knowing which person was which.  There were a lot of team members, which is good, but hopefully in the future we'll get to know each one a little better.  So far I like all of them, but I'm not sure how well Deathstroke and Grifter are going to get along.

Overall, I liked it, but I'm not jumping out of my seat.  However, I think it will be a fun read, and I might pick it up in graphic novel form sometime.

Bottom line: 3.5/5

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Green Lantern #0

Green Lantern #0

There has been so much hype about this issue that I almost felt like it was set up to disappoint.  I mean, doesn't Earth already have enough Green Lanterns?  And won't it be harder to relate to an Arab-American?  And why does he need a gun if he has a Green Lantern ring?

I was SO wrong.  Baz is a very likable, very relatable, cool character.  His origin story is compelling, and I loved it.  I shouldn't be surprised, because really, has Geoff Johns written anything lately that hasn't been awesome?  Anyway, I'm really excited about this title now.  I've only read a few Zero Issues so far, but this has been the best by far.

Bottom line: 4.5/5

Tell me what you think!  Is this the best Zero Issue so far?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

#0 Excitement!

I'm getting ready to buy some zero issues tomorrow, and I want to know which ones you've read and which are your favorites.  I think I might have to ask for the omnibus for Christmas, how about you?